Computer Repair/Tech Support

Devin Roth -
Computer Repair, is the first year course, where students dive inside the personal computer and other personal electronics to learn the fundamentals. The topics cover a variety of electronics but is split into hardware and software for each semester.
The first semester will cover Hardware where students will learn about cases, the motherboard, hard drive, RAM/Memory, CPU, accessories and more. The subjects will cover items such as installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
The second semester will dive into Software. Points covered will mainly focus on Windows Operating System installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Additional topics covered will be Virtual Machines, Networking, Linux and Apple Mac OS
The curriculum is designed to cover the CompTIA A+ Certification exam reinforced with Small Office/Home Office, Retail and Helpdesk expectations.
Dual Credit Institutions

Career Paths
Computer Technician, Computer Programmer, Networking Technician, Webmaster, Software Engineer, Hardware Engineer, Systems Analyst, Network Administrator
Career/Technical Student Organization
Students currently participate in community service projects and various skill competitions through SkillsUSA. Through these activities, students develop leadership and organizational skills, team building, interpersonal communications, and enhanced technical skills.