Health Careers I

Year 1 – Chris Grossman –
Health Careers… Where Healing, Teaching, and Discovery Come Together…
Health Careers I at the Southeastern Career Center gives students the opportunity to explore the medical field and its endless possibilities. During the first year, students are introduced to various careers within the medical field and get a chance to explore these careers. Also during this time, students will receive a strong foundation of Anatomy and Physiology as well as Medical Terminology. They also learn hands on skills and perform dissections. As the year progresses, students will have the ability to job shadow at a local facility to witness first hand their medical field of choice.
9.5 dual credits with Ivy Tech
Dual Credit Institutions

CPR/First Aid
Career Paths
Nursing, Therapies, Dentistry, Fitness, Nutritionist, Radiology, Bio-Med, Emergency Services, Pediatrics, Laboratory Science, Research Science, Information Management
Career/Technical Student Organization
(Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Students participate in community service projects and various skill competitions through HOSA. Through these activities, students develop leadership and organizational skills, team building, interpersonal communications, and enhanced technical skills.