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About Us

The Southeastern Career Center is the first Career and Technical Education Center that was built in the state of Indiana. In 1964, a group of very forward thinking educators and business leaders saw a need for a bridge between Industry and Education, and saw that it needed to start at the high school level. The school began construction on 46 acres donated to state of Indiana for the project, and was completed in 1966. Today we serve 11 School Districts in 6 counties, and offer 23 programs

Southeastern Career Center 11 School Districts, 6 counties, 23 programs

Versailles Indiana


The Southeastern Career Center is committed to equal opportunity. It is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, handicapping conditions, or national origin, including limited English proficiency, in any employment opportunity.

No person is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination on such basis under any educational program or student activity. 

All new hires will be responsible for the cost of a criminal background check prior to employment. 

Click here for Certified Application

Click here for Non-Certified Application

Send resume, letters of recommendations, certifications, and a completed application to



Southeastern Career Center

ATTN: Ashley Powers

901 W US Hwy 50

Versailles, IN 47042

Click HERE to link to the Machine-Readable Files as required under the Federal Transparency in Coverage rule.

Open Positions

Open Positions

SCC is looking to hire the following: Assistant Director/Principal

Start date: July 1, 2025

Apply online

You need to submit a certified application, 3 recommendation letters and resume to Ashley Powers at If you have any questions please call 812.689.5253 ext. 222.

Blue Ombre


Larry Smith

Southeastern Career Center is my home. The SCC team works as one big family, helping each other out where needed. As a high school student, I attended the Diesel Mechanics program which greatly contributed to my adult success.  I enjoy giving back what was given to me.  My hope is that I inspire the students to not only become successful mechanics, but to also become respectful, young adults who contribute to their community.

E Cornett

I have been the SCC school nurse for a year now. It is rewarding to see the students excel in the many trades offered here at SCC. I love that I am able to not only care for the students but also assist them in getting experience in their chosen fields. Whether it be taking my car to the Auto students for an oil change, or getting a facial in the Cosmetology salon. I truly enjoy coming into work everyday to see my SCC family!



  • $50,000 Life Insurance Benefit

  • 3% PRF (Certified)

  • 3% TRF (Non-Certified)

  • 2.5% Employer Matching Fund Contributions (Valic)

  • Stipends CTSO

  • Stipend CDL

Benefits Image


  • HSA's

  • Telehealth

  • Employer Contributions to Health, Dental and Vision Insurance as well as Long-Term Disability.

Continuing Education & Professional Development

  • Pay Schedule Increases for Advanced Degrees

  • In-Service Learning Sessions During School Year

  • Grad Credit & CEU (Continuing Education Unit) Opportunites

Blue Ombre