Dental Careers

Year 1 & 2 - Paula Deppe
This program offers students a chance to experience the growing field of Dentistry. Whether the student is looking at becoming a doctor or a dental hygienist or dental assistant, this program will give them the opportunity to be certain of their career choice. During the program some of the covered topics will be: Sciences of Dentistry: anatomy, head and neck anatomy, tooth morphology, along with learning about infection control in the dental office. They learn about the instruments that are used in a General Dentist office along with the procedures. They learn how to take impressions and how to pour an impression to make models of teeth. Students are given the opportunity to learn how to place different types of fillings in typodont teeth. We have started a program with our community Elementary schools to teach their students along with teaching some of the students at SCC the proper techniques and importance of good oral hygiene. In the program the students learn some skills that a Dental Laboratory Technician would be responsible for like trimming study models, fabricating custom trays, mouth guards and whitening trays. There are many skills and subjects taught in the Dental Careers program. One of the most important things that each student is able to take from the program are how to work as a team with each other.
Dual Credit Institutions

CPR/First Aid, NIMS
Career Paths
Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Dentist, Dental Laboratory Technician
Career/Technical Student Organization
Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Students participate in community service projects and various skill competitions through HOSA. Through these activities, students develop leadership and organizational skills, team building, interpersonal communications, and enhanced technical skills.