Auto Service Technology

Year 1 - Jerry Pflum
Year 2 - Luke Badinghaus
Our students in the two-year Automotive Service Technology program will develop the basic knowledge and skills in all 8 of the ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) testing areas which will allow for gainful employment when placed together with hard work, a good work ethic and a willingness to learn.
The eight areas of study are Engine Repair, Electrical and Electronics, Automatic Transmission (general services), Brakes and Braking Systems, Steering and Suspension Systems, Manual Drivetrains (general services), Heating and A/C (general services) and Engine Performance.
Together these encompass the new ASE Student Certification that can be achieved upon successful completion of the course and the passing of the Maintenance and Light Repair certification test. The automotive instructors at SCC are ASE certified and teach the industry’s latest technology with some of the latest equipment. We also strongly encourage applying for the dual college credit offered by IVY TECH as a dual partnership offered at no cost to the student. Strong math and English skills are highly recommended.
We use the stringent NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) curriculum to offer our students only the best in automotive instruction.
Dual Credit Institutions

(NATEF) The program is certified by NATEF (National Automotive Training Education Foundation) which administers the ASE Student certification process.
Career Paths
Automotive Technician, Service Writer, Automotive Engineer, Auto Shop Owner and parts sale, Pit Crew Mechanic
Career/Technical Student Organization
(Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills) Students participate in community service projects and various skill competitions through Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills. Through these activities, students develop leadership and organizational skills, team building, interpersonal communications, and enhanced technical skills.